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Hi, I'm  The   Cookie Fairy!

I pride myself on providing a wide assortment of delicious home baked cookies. All of my cookies are freshly made, to order. 
I am fully insured, registered and hold a 5* food hygiene rating.  

This is my story of how I became The Cookie Fairy....

​It all started when I woke up on the morning of my 43rd birthday.  As soon as I opened my

eyes, thoughts of my wonderful big brother filled my mind. You see, he has passed away,

almost 9 years ago, 2 months before his 44th birthday. So here I was, the same age as he

was, when he passed, after battling oesophageal cancer. It hit me like a sledgehammer; he

had no more time!


It's important to let you know, I have never been one to moan about growing old, as I always keep in mind the quote by Mark Twain, 'Do not complain about growing old. It is a privilege denied my many.'  However, I was filled with this overwhelming sadness that my brother, at 43 years old, had not been given the chance to make more memories.  The day came and went, but as the weeks went by I had this nagging feeling that I was not completely fulfilled in my life. I had been a primary school teacher for almost 20 years and, for the most part, I had absolutely loved it. However, for many reasons, which I will not bore you with, I started to have terrible anxiety attacks. Admittedly, these attacks were compounded during the height of the covid pandemic, but if I'm honest I was having them long before. So, I realised that I had to do something about it. But what?


I knew that baking always relaxed me. In fact, when I was baking cookies for friends and family, a very good friend of mine always referred to it as me 'being in my happy place'. So, I decided to look into the 'ins and outs' of how to start a little business of my own. After months of seeking advice, as I had literally now idea what I was doing, I was finally ready to begin!  So, with £20 in my pocket, as I had no pot of gold to fund this project, I went out and bought some ingredients. The rest, as they say, is history!


Now, I am under no illusion that my wonderful big brother, John, has been there with me, helping me during this massive life changing event . In fact, during the times when I nearly gave up, as my 'anxiety gremlin' whispered in my ear, I am 100% convinced that John continually guided me through and even 'kicked me up the bum' at times, ensuring that I kept going.  So, I would like to say a huge thank you to him, as well as a massive thank you to all of my family and friends who have supported me in my dream to become a real-life fairy!

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

Tel:  07792545178

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